Extended Abstract submission for the 3rd Applied Sciences Research International Conference 2024 (ASRIC2024) is now open from May 7th until August 31st, 2024. Participate in ASRIC2024 by sharing your work with colleagues. The conference provides great chances to learn from the newest research and practical experiences, connect with experts and peers, and broaden your professional horizons. Abstracts are invited for presentations in all areas as stated in our TRACK AND TOPICS section. Extended Abstract submission is required for both oral and poster presentations registration. If your extended abstract is accepted and you present it at ASRIC2024, it will be published in the Conference Proceedings with an eISBN. Don't miss the opportunity to share your work! The deadline is August 31st, 2024. All submitted extended abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee and authors will be notified of the acceptance. Be recognized for your hard work and participate in ASRIC2024.

Guidelines for extended abstract:

Extended abstract template: