About the Journal

Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering Journal (Formally known as Biological and Natural Resources Engineering Journal) keeps researchers with current and the latest developments in chemical and natural resources-based product as well as the related engineering fields that push the product from the bench to the commercial scale. It is indeed a multidisciplinary research which blends scientists and engineers and promotes hand-in-hand collaboration. The Chemical And Natural Resources Engineering Journal will cover areas such as Chemical Engineering, Biochemical Engineering, Molecular Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Materials, Green Nanotechnology, Bioprocess Engineering, Biomanufacturing, Bioengineering, Bioinformatics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Food Engineering, Sustainability, Circular Economy, and Green Energy. A manuscript undergoes a double-blind review process. 

The Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering Journal publishes full-length articles, short communications and welcomes review articles in the fields mentioned above especially those highlighting the latest technology.

Author Guidelines

Authors must submit two versions of the manuscript; (1) a full version including all author names and affiliations, and (2) a blinded manuscript without any author names and affiliations in the text and title page.

Manuscripts should be single-spaced on A4 sized paper with margins of  2.54 cm on top, bottom and right side of the page and 3.05 on the left side of the page. All quotations in the main text should consistently be in double quotation marks. References should be parenthetical, and manuscripts should include a list of works cited and brief endnotes (if any). Authors should include a brief abstract of content between 150 and 250 words for each manuscript. This should be followed by a maximum of 6 keywords in the article. 

Manuscripts for research articles submitted to CNREJ should be divided into the following sections:

*To download the CNREJ template, click the button below:



Author AA,  Author BB (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number: page range. doi:0000000/000000000000 or

Author AA,  Author BB (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number: page range. Retrieved from

 Soleimani N, Mohabati Mobarez A, Farhangi B. Cloning, expression and purification flagellar sheath adhesion of Helicobacter pylori in Escherichia coli host as a vaccination target. Clin Exp Vaccine Res. 2016 Jan;5(1):19-25.

Article within a journal

 If issue number is essential to be included, the format shall be vol (issue no):pp

Article within a journal supplement 

In press article

Published abstract

Article within conference proceedings 

Book chapter, or article within a book 

Whole issue of journal

Whole conference proceedings

Complete book

Monograph or book in a series

Book with institutional author

PhD thesis

Link / URL

* You can List of sample references (Mac and Windows compatible; Microsoft Word 2007/2010) for your article.